Royal descendants of John William Friso, Prince of Orange

The descendants of Johan William Friso of Nassau-Dietz, Prince of Orange and his wife Landgravine Marie Louise of Hesse-Kassel currently occupy all the hereditary thrones[1] of Europe, as well as some former ones. Unlike Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom (the Grandmother of Europe, with nine children) or King Christian IX of Denmark (a Father-in-law of Europe, with six children), John William Friso had only one daughter and one posthumously-born son, died at the age of twenty-four, and had no kings or queens descended from him for a century after his death. However, since then, every surviving monarchy in Europe has seen his blood embodied on its throne.

Royal descendants


John William Friso is the most recent common ancestor of today's European monarchs. The first king to be descended from him was William I of the Netherlands, who as King of the United Netherlands and Grand Duke of Luxembourg from 1815 ruled all of present-day Benelux until Belgium's independence in 1830. All descent from him is cognatic, as the male-line House of Orange-Nassau died out with William I's great-granddaugther Queen Wilhelmina in 1962. The first monarch (other than a stadtholder) descended from John William Friso was his grandson Karl Friedrich, Margrave of Baden from 1738 and eventually Grand Duke of Baden.

By the end of the Second World War most of Europe's remaining crowned heads were John William Friso's descendants. With the abolition of the monarchy in Albania, all remaining ruling monarchs in Europe were descended from this Prince of Orange, a state of affairs that endures.

Current monarchs


  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. Princess Amalia of Nassau-Dietz, Hereditary Princess of Baden-Durlach
  3. Charles Frederick, Grand Duke of Baden
  4. Charles Louis, Hereditary Prince of Baden
  5. Charles, Grand Duke of Baden
  6. Princess Josephine of Baden, Princess of Hohenzollern
  7. Princess Marie of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, Countess of Flanders
  8. Albert I of Belgium
  9. Leopold III of Belgium
  10. Albert II of Belgium (younger brother of Baudouin I of Belgium)

King Albert is also descended from the House of Orange-Nassau through his mother Astrid of Sweden, a great-granddaughter of Louise of the Netherlands.


  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. William IV, Prince of Orange
  3. William V, Prince of Orange
  4. William I of the Netherlands
  5. Prince Frederick of the Netherlands
  6. Louise of the Netherlands, Queen of Sweden
  7. Louise of Sweden, Queen of Denmark
  8. Christian X of Denmark
  9. Frederick IX of Denmark
  10. Margrethe II of Denmark


  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. Princess Amalia of Nassau-Dietz, Hereditary Princess of Baden-Durlach
  3. Charles Frederick, Grand Duke of Baden
  4. Charles Louis, Hereditary Prince of Baden
  5. Caroline of Baden, Queen of Bavaria
  6. Princess Sophie of Bavaria/Archduchess Sophie of Austria
  7. Archduke Karl Ludwig of Austria
  8. Archduchess Elisabeth Amalie of Austria/Princess Elisabeth of Liechtenstein
  9. Franz Joseph II, Prince of Liechtenstein
  10. Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein


The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg was in personal union with the Kingdom of the Netherlands from its creation at the Congress of Vienna until the accession of Wilhelmina as Queen of the Netherlands; she was unable to take the throne of Luxembourg because it diverted to a then-extant male line of descent in the House of Nassau, but Luxembourg remains one of two monarchies to have been ruled by John William Friso's descendants continuously from 1815 onwards.

  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. William IV, Prince of Orange
  3. Princess Carolina of Orange-Nassau, Princess of Nassau-Weilburg
  4. Frederick William, Prince of Nassau-Weilburg
  5. William, Duke of Nassau
  6. Adolphe, Grand Duke of Luxembourg
  7. William IV, Grand Duke of Luxembourg
  8. Charlotte, Grand Duchess of Luxembourg (younger sister of Marie-Adélaïde, Grand Duchess of Luxembourg)
  9. Jean, Grand Duke of Luxembourg
  10. Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg

Henri is also descended from the House of Orange-Nassau through his mother Princess Joséphine-Charlotte of Belgium, a sister of King Albert II (see Belgium).


  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. Princess Amalia of Nassau-Dietz, Hereditary Princess of Baden-Durlach
  3. Charles Frederick, Grand Duke of Baden
  4. Charles Louis, Hereditary Prince of Baden
  5. Charles, Grand Duke of Baden
  6. Princess Marie Amelie of Baden, Duchess of Hamilton and Brandon
  7. Mary Victoria Douglas-Hamilton, Hereditary Princess of Monaco, Countess von Tolna
  8. Louis II, Prince of Monaco
  9. Princess Charlotte, Duchess of Valentinois
  10. Rainier III, Prince of Monaco
  11. Albert II, Prince of Monaco

Albert is the only current hereditary monarch without legitimate issue to inherit the throne on his death or abdication; however, next in line are his sisters and their children, who will continue the descent from Prince Rainier.


The Kingdom of the Netherlands was created after the deposition of Napoléon Bonaparte by William VI, Prince of Orange (John William Friso's great-grandson), who became the first king in 1815. His senior living heir, Queen Beatrix, is the heir of John William Friso according to male-preference primogeniture.

  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. William IV, Prince of Orange
  3. William V, Prince of Orange
  4. William I, King of the Netherlands, Grand Duke of Luxembourg
  5. William II, King of the Netherlands, Grand Duke of Luxembourg
  6. William III, King of the Netherlands, Grand Duke of Luxembourg
  7. Wilhelmina of the Netherlands
  8. Juliana of the Netherlands
  9. Beatrix of the Netherlands


  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. William IV, Prince of Orange
  3. William V, Prince of Orange
  4. William I of the Netherlands
  5. Prince Frederick of the Netherlands
  6. Louise of the Netherlands, Queen of Sweden
  7. Louise of Sweden, Queen of Denmark
  8. Haakon VII of Norway
  9. Olav V of Norway
  10. Harald V of Norway


  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. William IV, Prince of Orange
  3. Princess Carolina of Orange-Nassau, Princess of Nassau-Weilburg
  4. Frederick William, Prince of Nassau-Weilburg
  5. Princess Henrietta of Nassau-Weilburg, Duchess of Teschen
  6. Archduke Karl Ferdinand of Austria
  7. Maria Christina of Austria, Queen of Spain
  8. Alfonso XIII of Spain
  9. Infante Juan, Count of Barcelona
  10. Juan Carlos I of Spain


  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. William IV, Prince of Orange
  3. Princess Carolina of Orange-Nassau, Princess of Nassau-Weilburg
  4. Frederick William, Prince of Nassau-Weilburg
  5. William, Duke of Nassau
  6. Sophia of Nassau, Queen of Sweden and Norway
  7. Gustaf V of Sweden
  8. Gustaf VI Adolf of Sweden
  9. Prince Gustaf Adolf, Duke of Västerbotten
  10. Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden

United Kingdom

  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. William IV, Prince of Orange
  3. Princess Carolina of Orange-Nassau, Princess of Nassau-Weilburg
  4. Princess Henriette of Nassau-Weilburg, Duchess Henriette of Württemberg
  5. Duke Alexander of Württemberg
  6. Francis, Duke of Teck
  7. Mary of Teck, Queen of the United Kingdom
  8. George VI of the United Kingdom (younger brother of Edward VIII of the United Kingdom)
  9. Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom

Former monarchies


  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. Princess Amalia of Nassau-Dietz, Hereditary Princess of Baden-Durlach
  3. Charles Frederick, Grand Duke of Baden
  4. Charles Louis, Hereditary Prince of Baden
  5. Caroline of Baden, Queen of Bavaria
  6. Princess Sophie of Bavaria/Archduchess Sophie of Austria
  7. Archduke Karl Ludwig of Austria (younger brother of Franz Joseph I of Austria)
  8. Archduke Otto Francis of Austria
  9. Charles I of Austria


  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. Princess Amalia of Nassau-Dietz, Hereditary Princess of Baden-Durlach
  3. Charles Frederick, Grand Duke of Baden
  4. Leopold, Grand Duke of Baden (uncle of Charles, Grand Duke of Baden and younger brother of Louis I, Grand Duke of Baden)
  5. Frederick I, Grand Duke of Baden (younger brother of Louis II, Grand Duke of Baden)
  6. Frederick II, Grand Duke of Baden


  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. William IV, Prince of Orange
  3. Princess Carolina of Orange-Nassau, Princess of Nassau-Weilburg
  4. Frederick William, Prince of Nassau-Weilburg
  5. Princess Henrietta of Nassau-Weilburg, Duchess of Teschen
  6. Maria Theresa of Austria, Queen of the Two Sicilies
  7. Princess Maria Pia of the Two Sicilies, Duchess of Parma
  8. Princess Marie Louise of Bourbon-Parma, Princess of Bulgaria
  9. Boris III of Bulgaria
  10. Simeon II of Bulgaria


  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. William IV, Prince of Orange
  3. Princess Carolina of Orange-Nassau, Princess of Nassau-Weilburg
  4. Princess Henriette of Nassau-Weilburg, Duchess Ludwig of Württemberg
  5. Duchess Amelia of Württemberg, Duchess of Saxe-Altenburg
  6. Princess Alexandra of Saxe-Altenburg/Grand Duchess Alexandra Iosifovna of Russia
  7. Olga Konstantinovna of Russia, Queen of the Hellenes
  8. Constantine I of the Hellenes
  9. Paul I of the Hellenes (younger brother of George II of the Hellenes and Alexander of the Hellenes)
  10. Constantine II of the Hellenes


  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. Princess Amalia of Nassau-Dietz, Hereditary Princess of Baden-Durlach
  3. Charles Frederick, Grand Duke of Baden
  4. Charles Louis, Hereditary Prince of Baden
  5. Princess Wilhelmine of Baden, Grand Duchess of Hesse and by Rhine
  6. Prince Charles of Hesse and by Rhine (brother of Louis III, Grand Duke of Hesse)
  7. Louis IV, Grand Duke of Hesse
  8. Ernest Louis, Grand Duke of Hesse


  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. Princess Amalia of Nassau-Dietz, Hereditary Princess of Baden-Durlach
  3. Charles Frederick, Grand Duke of Baden
  4. Charles Louis, Hereditary Prince of Baden
  5. Caroline of Baden, Queen of Bavaria
  6. Amalie Auguste of Bavaria, Queen of Saxony
  7. Princess Elizabeth of Saxony, Duchess of Genoa, Marchesa Rapallo
  8. Margherita of Savoy, Queen of Italy
  9. Victor Emmanuel III of Italy
  10. Umberto II of Italy


  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. Princess Amalia of Nassau-Dietz, Hereditary Princess of Baden-Durlach
  3. Charles Frederick, Grand Duke of Baden
  4. Charles Louis, Hereditary Prince of Baden
  5. Caroline of Baden, Queen of Bavaria
  6. Princess Sophie of Bavaria/Archduchess Sophie of Austria
  7. Maximilian I of Mexico


  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. Princess Amalia of Nassau-Dietz, Hereditary Princess of Baden-Durlach
  3. Charles Frederick, Grand Duke of Baden
  4. Charles Louis, Hereditary Prince of Baden
  5. Charles, Grand Duke of Baden
  6. Princess Josephine of Baden, Princess of Hohenzollern
  7. Leopold, Prince of Hohenzollern (brother of Carol I of Romania)
  8. Ferdinand I of Romania
  9. Carol II of Romania
  10. Michael I of Romania

Michael I is also descended from the House of Orange-Nassau through his mother, Helen, a sister of King Paul I (see Greece), and his grandmother, Marie of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, a great-great-granddaughter of Charles Louis, Hereditary Prince of Baden (see Yugoslavia).


  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. Princess Amalia of Nassau-Dietz, Hereditary Princess of Baden-Durlach
  3. Charles Frederick, Grand Duke of Baden
  4. Charles Louis, Hereditary Prince of Baden
  5. Princess Wilhelmine of Baden, Grand Duchess of Hesse and by Rhine
  6. Marie (Alexandrovna) of Hesse, Empress of Russia
  7. Alexander III of Russia
  8. Nicholas II of Russia


  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. William IV, Prince of Orange
  3. William V, Prince of Orange
  4. William I of the Netherlands
  5. William II of the Netherlands
  6. Princess Sophie of the Netherlands, Grand Duchess of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach
  7. Karl August, Hereditary Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach
  8. William Ernest, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach


  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. Princess Amalia of Nassau-Dietz, Hereditary Princess of Baden-Durlach
  3. Charles Frederick, Grand Duke of Baden
  4. Charles Louis, Hereditary Prince of Baden
  5. Caroline of Baden, Queen of Bavaria
  6. Amalie Auguste of Bavaria, Queen of Saxony
  7. George of Saxony (younger brother of Albert of Saxony)
  8. Frederick Augustus III of Saxony


  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. William IV, Prince of Orange
  3. Princess Carolina of Orange-Nassau, Princess of Nassau-Weilburg
  4. Princess Henriette of Nassau-Weilburg, Duchess Henriette of Württemberg
  5. Pauline Therese of Württemberg, Queen of Württemberg
  6. Princess Catherine of Württemberg
  7. William II of Württemberg


  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. Princess Amalia of Nassau-Dietz, Hereditary Princess of Baden-Durlach
  3. Charles Frederick, Grand Duke of Baden
  4. Charles Louis, Hereditary Prince of Baden
  5. Princess Wilhelmine of Baden, Grand Duchess of Hesse and by Rhine
  6. Marie (Alexandrovna) of Hesse, Empress of Russia
  7. Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna of Russia, Duchess of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
  8. Marie of Edinburgh, Queen of Romania
  9. Maria of Romania, Queen of Yugoslavia
  10. Peter II of Yugoslavia


The lines shown here are senior to the lines given above with respect to the descent from John William Friso.


  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. William IV, Prince of Orange
  3. Carolina of Orange-Nassau
  4. Frederick William, Duke of Nassau
  5. Henrietta of Nassau-Weilburg
  6. Maria Theresa of Austria
  7. Maria Annunciata of the Two Sicilies
  8. Otto Francis of Austria
  9. Charles I of Austria
  10. Otto von Habsburg
  11. Karl von Habsburg


  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. William IV, Prince of Orange
  3. Carolina of Orange-Nassau
  4. Frederick William, Duke of Nassau
  5. Henrietta of Nassau-Weilburg
  6. Maria Theresa of Austria
  7. Prince Alfonso, Count of Caserta
  8. Maria di Grazia of Bourbon-Two Sicilies
  9. Pedro Henrique of Orléans-Braganza
  10. Luís of Orléans-Braganza



  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. William IV, Prince of Orange
  3. Carolina of Orange-Nassau
  4. Frederick William, Duke of Nassau
  5. Henrietta of Nassau-Weilburg
  6. Archduke Charles Ferdinand of Austria
  7. Archduchess Maria Christina of Austria
  8. Alfonso XIII of Spain
  9. Infante Jaime, Duke of Segovia
  10. Alfonso, Duke of Anjou and Cádiz
  11. Louis Alphonse, Duke of Anjou


  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. William IV, Prince of Orange
  3. Carolina of Orange-Nassau
  4. Frederick William, Duke of Nassau
  5. Henrietta of Nassau-Weilburg
  6. Maria Theresa of Austria
  7. Prince Alfonso, Count of Caserta
  8. Maria Cristina of Bourbon-Two Sicilies
  9. Rosa of Austria-Tuscany
  10. Marie Therese of Württemberg
  11. Jean, duc de Vendôme – heir of current pretender


  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. William IV, Prince of Orange
  3. Carolina of Orange-Nassau
  4. Henrietta of Nassau-Weilburg
  5. Maria Dorothea of Württemberg
  6. Marie Henriette of Austria
  7. Clementine of Belgium
  8. Prince Louis Napoléon
  9. Prince Charles Napoléon
  10. Jean-Christophe Napoléon


German Empire (Kingdom of Prussia)

  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. Amalia of Orange-Nassau
  3. Charles Frederick, Grand Duke of Baden
  4. Leopold I, Grand Duke of Baden
  5. Cecily of Baden
  6. Anastasia Mikhailovna of Russia
  7. Cecily of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
  8. Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia
  9. Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia
  10. Prince Georg Friedrich of Prussia


  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. Amalia of Orange-Nassau
  3. Charles Frederick, Grand Duke of Baden
  4. Charles Louis, Hereditary Prince of Baden
  5. Karoline of Baden
  6. Ludovika of Bavaria
  7. Karl-Theodor, Duke in Bavaria
  8. Marie Gabrielle of Bavaria
  9. Albrecht, Duke of Bavaria
  10. Franz, Duke of Bavaria
  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. William IV, Prince of Orange
  3. Carolina of Orange-Nassau
  4. Henrietta of Nassau-Weilburg
  5. Amelia of Württemberg
  6. Marie of Saxe-Altenburg
  7. Ernest Augustus, Crown Prince of Hanover
  8. Ernest Augustus, Duke of Brunswick
  9. Ernest Augustus IV, Prince of Hanover
  10. Ernst August V, Prince of Hanover
  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. William IV, Prince of Orange
  3. Carolina of Orange-Nassau
  4. Henrietta of Nassau-Weilburg
  5. Maria Dorothea of Württemberg
  6. Archduke Joseph Karl of Austria
  7. Margarethe Klementine of Austria
  8. Elisabeth Helene of Thurn and Taxis
  9. Maria Emanuel, Margrave of Meissen
  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. William IV, Prince of Orange
  3. Carolina of Orange-Nassau
  4. Frederick William, Duke of Nassau
  5. Henrietta of Nassau-Weilburg
  6. Archduke Albert, Duke of Teschen
  7. Maria Teresa of Austria
  8. Albrecht, Duke of Württemberg
  9. Philipp Albrecht, Duke of Württemberg
  10. Carl, Duke of Württemberg

Grand Duchies

  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. William IV, Prince of Orange
  3. Carolina of Orange-Nassau
  4. Henrietta of Nassau-Weilburg
  5. Amelia of Württemberg
  6. Marie of Saxe-Altenburg
  7. Ernest Augustus, Crown Prince of Hanover
  8. Marie Louise of Hanover
  9. Berthold, Margrave of Baden
  10. Maximilian, Margrave of Baden
  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. Amalia of Orange-Nassau
  3. Charles Frederick, Grand Duke of Baden
  4. Charles Louis, Hereditary Prince of Baden
  5. Karoline of Baden
  6. Amalie Auguste of Bavaria
  7. Elizabeth of Saxony
  8. Margherita of Savoy
  9. Victor Emmanuel III of Italy
  10. Mafalda of Savoy
  11. Moritz, Landgrave of Hesse
  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. William IV, Prince of Orange
  3. Carolina of Orange-Nassau
  4. Henrietta of Nassau-Weilburg
  5. Maria Dorothea of Württemberg
  6. Archduke Joseph Karl of Austria
  7. Archduke Joseph August of Austria
  8. Archduke Joseph Francis of Austria
  9. Archduchess Ilona of Austria
  10. Duke Georg Borwin of Mecklenburg
  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. William IV, Prince of Orange
  3. Carolina of Orange-Nassau
  4. Frederick William, Duke of Nassau
  5. William, Duke of Nassau
  6. Helena of Nassau
  7. Frederick, Prince of Waldeck and Pyrmont
  8. Helena of Waldeck and Pyrmont
  9. Anton-Günther, Duke of Oldenburg
  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. William IV, Prince of Orange
  3. William V, Prince of Orange
  4. William I of the Netherlands
  5. William II of the Netherlands
  6. Sophie of the Netherlands
  7. Charles Augustus, Hereditary Prince of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach
  8. William Ernest, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach
  9. Charles Augustus, Hereditary Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach
  10. Michael, Prince of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach


  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. Amalia of Orange-Nassau
  3. Charles Frederick, Grand Duke of Baden
  4. Charles Louis, Hereditary Prince of Baden
  5. Charles, Grand Duke of Baden
  6. Josephine of Baden
  7. Marie of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
  8. Albert I of Belgium
  9. Marie-José of Belgium
  10. Vittorio Emanuele, Prince of Naples



  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. Princess Amalia of Orange-Nassau
  3. Charles Frederick, Grand Duke of Baden
  4. Charles Louis, Hereditary Prince of Baden
  5. Wilhelmina of Baden
  6. Marie of Hesse
  7. Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich of Russia
  8. Grand Duke Cyril Vladimirovich of Russia
  9. Grand Duke Vladimir Cyrillovich of Russia
  10. Maria Vladimirovna of Russia


  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. William IV, Prince of Orange
  3. Carolina of Orange-Nassau
  4. Frederick William, Duke of Nassau
  5. William, Duke of Nassau
  6. Therese of Nassau-Weilburg
  7. Alexandra of Oldenburg
  8. Grand Duke Peter Nikolaevich of Russia
  9. Prince Roman Petrovich of Russia
  10. Prince Nicholas Romanovich of Russia



  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. William IV, Prince of Orange
  3. Carolina of Orange-Nassau
  4. Frederick William, Duke of Nassau
  5. Henrietta of Nassau-Weilburg
  6. Maria Theresa of Austria
  7. Prince Alfonso, Count of Caserta
  8. Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Two Sicilies
  9. Infante Alfonso, Duke of Calabria
  10. Infante Carlos, Duke of Calabria


  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. William IV, Prince of Orange
  3. Carolina of Orange-Nassau
  4. Frederick William, Duke of Nassau
  5. Henrietta of Nassau-Weilburg
  6. Maria Theresa of Austria
  7. Prince Alfonso, Count of Caserta
  8. Prince Ranieri, Duke of Castro
  9. Prince Ferdinand, Duke of Castro
  10. Prince Carlo, Duke of Castro


  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. William IV, Prince of Orange
  3. Carolina of Orange-Nassau
  4. Henrietta of Nassau-Weilburg
  5. Amelia of Württemberg
  6. Alexandra of Saxe-Altenburg
  7. Olga Konstantinovna of Russia
  8. Alexander I of Greece
  9. Alexandra of Greece and Denmark
  10. Alexander, Crown Prince of Yugoslavia

Royal consorts


Queen Sofía, wife of Juan Carlos I of Spain, as a sister of the last King of the Hellenes (Greece), is also descended from John William Friso.

  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. William IV, Prince of Orange
  3. Princess Carolina of Orange-Nassau, Princess of Nassau-Weilburg
  4. Princess Henriette of Nassau-Weilburg, Duchess Henriette of Württemberg
  5. Duchess Amelia of Württemberg, Duchess of Saxe-Altenburg
  6. Princess Alexandra of Saxe-Altenburg/Grand Duchess Alexandra Iosifovna of Russia
  7. Olga Konstantinovna of Russia, Queen of the Hellenes
  8. Constantine I of Greece
  9. Paul I of Greece
  10. Queen Sofía of Spain

United Kingdom

The Duke of Edinburgh, husband of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, is a Prince of Greece and Denmark by birth, making him another descendant of the House of Orange-Nassau.

  1. John William Friso, Prince of Orange
  2. William IV, Prince of Orange
  3. Princess Carolina of Orange-Nassau, Princess of Nassau-Weilburg
  4. Princess Henriette of Nassau-Weilburg, Duchess Ludwig of Württemberg
  5. Duchess Amelia of Württemberg, Duchess of Saxe-Altenburg
  6. Princess Alexandra of Saxe-Altenburg/Grand Duchess Alexandra Iosifovna of Russia
  7. Olga Konstantinovna of Russia, Queen of the Hellenes
  8. Prince Andrew of Greece and Denmark
  9. Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

See also


  1. ^ Two monarchies of Europe, Andorra and Vatican City, have elected or appointed leaders and thus no royal houses.


External links